Universal Extruder

Hand operated extruder frame.

5-ton hydraulic jack.

Designed to extrude samples of 100mm and 150mm diameter Marshall moulds, CBR moulds and modified proctor specimens.

The Universal Extruder, manufactured by LabQuip Ltd, is an easy-to-use, hand-operated device with a 5-ton hydraulic jack. This expertly crafted piece of equipment is built from very strong and sturdy materials. Therefore, wear and tear will not be an issue for a very long time to come. Indeed, this item was built with durability in mind.

This high-calibre piece of equipment is designed to extrude samples of 100mm and 150mm (4 inches and 6 inches) in diameter from Marshall moulds California Bearing Ratio Moulds and proctor moulds. Therefore, the universal extruder is extremely useful for anyone who is required to carry out Marshall stability tests, California Bearing Ratio tests or proctor soil compaction tests. The extruder comes supplied with adaptors to fit these aforementioned moulds.

If you have any questions or queries or if you would simply like a quote, get in contact with us now. We are more than happy to discuss this product, and indeed all of our products, with you either over the phone, via email, or through the contact form to be found on our contact page. At LabQuip Ltd we take great pleasure in accommodating the wishes and desires of our customers, and that includes you.